Venice Photo Workshop – 20-25 November 2021

I always recommend to visit Venice during the low season, from November till March. That’s when the magic happens around there, and this tour was wasn’t an exception.
We also were lucky enough to be around during the “Salute” ceremony, when they install a temporary bridge on the Canal Grande that connects right to the Chapel where the ceremony is held (the “Salute” Church), so we got to capture some unique and rare views – impossible to get otherwise.
The early sunset hour allowed us to capture some night shots before dinner and gave the workshop a spectacular rhythm, with clients never getting too tired!
We also paid a visit to the Gesuiti Church, another fantastic Cathedral with some historical paintings and magnificent frescoes on the ceiling.
Venice at this time can easily get very hazy as you see from some of the pictures (and also very cold sometimes!), and in my opinion is part of its charm.
We haven’t got any fog in the morning – which is something we wanted and hoped for, but the lack of rain on the previous week didn’t help.

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